Our yard signs are IN!
Please let us know if you’re interested in displaying yard signs for McNally - Zagrodzky - Minnick (#MZM!) for Darien’s Board of Selectmen or #BrownWurm for Board of Education - or BOTH!
We would love for you to show your support for our team!
Monica McNally, Jon Zagrodzky and Marcy Minnick will stand up for Darien with integrity, experience and commitment.
Tara Wurm and David Brown will keep the Darien Board of Education moving forward with genuine, inclusive and professional leadership.
The entire team will continue to prioritize local control of planning and zoning along with educational decisions.
Darien residents know what is best for Darien. You deserve leaders who will remain accountable to you. We are that team, and preserving responsible, local government and decision-making is our mission.
Have any questions for the candidates? Please be sure to follow them on Instagram and Facebook:
Thank you for your support!
Alexander Davidson Chairman Darien Republican Town Committee
